Live Screen Printing in Full Color

We are passionate about what we do

One Of A Kind Corporate Events

Make any corporate event better with live screen printing

Do you know which promotional products are most effective? We do! T-shirts are always at the top of the list. People wear them, people remember them and people will always jump at the opportunity to shell out money for them—all for the privilege of wearing a brand.

Just ask any NASCAR fan—they’re some of the biggest brand loyalists in the world. They’re proud to purchase and display the NASCAR logo. They buy promotional T-shirts with a company’s advertising and then, as a walking billboard, they proudly present that brand to the world.

Attaining that kind of brand loyalty gets you the best of both worlds—profits and exposure. Of course, it takes some time to build up that level of recognition and following, but we can help you get started right now. Invite us to set up a live screen printing booth at your next corporate event and we will help you get your brand out there where more people can see it.

At a live screen printing event, our experienced staff of screen printers will arrive with the latest screen printing equipment as well a complete stock of T-shirts. We will bring a wide variety of sizes, styles and colors so your event attendees can choose the exact T-shirt they want to go home with. In addition, our talented graphic designers will prepare your logo and advertising text or slogan in several different formats. Your potential customers line up at the screen printing booth to choose their own custom T-shirt.

Live screen printing events are one of the few marketing concepts that allows customers to custom order a T-shirt. With our live events, people get to be hands on and enjoy being a part of the printing process. Not only can they choose their own colors and sizes of shirts, they can also make the final decision as to how many prints on each shirt, the colors of each print and where the design will be positioned. Our equipment is able to handle printing on the front of the T-shirt as well as on the back. People love this concept because they get to be involved in the screen printing process from start to finish. It makes them especially proud to wear a printed shirt that they were involved in creating.

If T-shirts aren’t your deal, you can choose from a wide array of other textile products. We can bring specialty printing items such as hats or bags for your customers to choose from. Any item you order will be available for custom printing at your corporate event. We will provide a variety of designs for the customer to choose from, according to the size and shape of each item.

Some companies are used to ordering specialty printing items the old fashioned way. They estimate how many people will pour through their booth during the days of the event and calculate how many T-shirts, hats or bags they might give away. According to those figures, they go to a local screen-printer and order a set number of printed items to be ready for the big day. So here’s the problem. First off, they need to order large quantities to get the best prices. However, if for instance they order 1,000, 2,000 or 5,000 printed T-shirts in specific colors and sizes, then the event participant has no choice in choosing the style, the specific design or the color scheme. It’s take what you get. Hopefully the customers will love the styles the company chose and go home with them. But, at the end of the event the company is stuck with any T-shirts with specialized printing that are left over. So if that company printed up 2,000 T-shirts with the event slogan and gave away only 1,000 printed T-shirts, then the client is left with the excess. Screen printing promotional items ahead of the event can end up being quite expensive. The flip side to that scenario is if your booth is swamped with potential customers you might run out of promo items to hand out before the event is over.

Live Screen Printing

What do you get out of providing this exceptional opportunity for your clients? You get the added value of brand recognition. The more your client loves the custom shirt or item with your brand’s logo, the more it will be worn and seen. In this way, you get increased exposure for your own company. Moreover, you can increase your client retention rate by gearing the specialty items and printing designs specifically to the clientele that will be attending the event.

Increase your customer base, hang on to your present clients and watch event attendees line up at your booth to get a custom printed T-shirt or bag. Just give us a call. We’ll tell you about all the ways live events can help you promote your products.
The waste and added expense of items not given away is what has increased the popularity of live screen-printing at corporate events. With our live printing, you pay only for what you use. Don’t worry – we will come equipped with a full stock and range of T-shirts and other promotional items, but we don’t decide how many to print. Each printed T-shirt is a custom order designed by your clients.

Live Screen Printing

words from our CEO

Changing Live Screen Printing

What do I say about myself other than, we can only look forward to producing better live events every years. We love our clients, we love live screen printing.

We look forward to creating better events with you for years to come. 

Get started on your next live screen printing project

We are available to chat 24/7 the way forward on your next big live event. Call, Email, or Chat.

© 2023 Copyright Rival Events a Rival Screen Printing Company

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